True Size Of - interactive map that shows the true sizes of countries on web mercator projection
OpenRailwayMap - in most areas max speeds of the track data is available, that way I know how fast trains can go through my nearby station without stopping - all the public rail transit of the world
Electricity Map - emissions of energy producers around the world
World Radio Map - I used it to find music that is not in English, useful to some music detours, there are many of this kind of websites, that's the one that works
FlightRadar24 - staple site for all aviation geeks, the patterns on the map that the planes create are interesting too!
Maps of Poland - maps of all functional and historic railways in Poland
Zonelets - a free blogging engine made of a bunch of html/css/js files that can be uploaded on every server like Neocities. I don't personally use it because I want to create my own unique layout, but I still update all links and menus manually on every page which gets annoying as the site grows in content. Zonelets apparently helps automate this so I got to check it out someday
How I experience web today - fun, but not so fun showcase of an average experience of browsing any major news or commercial websites in European Union after the infamous cookies policy was introduced. The link directly stolen from website, thanks, I hate it, it's too real!
Alex Riviere's Blog - tech blog by a web developer from Atlanta with funny party background - slow driving game on an infinitely generated road and the link to the article about how it was done
European Alternatives - list of Europe-based services that can be used alternatively to the American big tech monopolies
PageSpeed - check if your website follows the best practices to load fast on every devices, this thing apparently doesn't like good old PNGs, JPEGs and GIFs but other than that, it's pretty insightful
Places With Maps And More
Neocities Sites With Some Maps
Þe Satyrs’ Foreſt ’t Satyrwoud - what's up with those weird letters? You gotta find out, a website with one of its kind atmosphere! Also includes stunningly detailed maps, both fictional and real.
I-Land - not necessary a map but the artwork of that world is so cozy and it's so many places to explore there, yet another neocities gem
Spaghetti Junciton - maps of public transit that look like mom's spaghetti
Dransik Map - that's kind of a fictional map that I wish I could make long time ago
Lara Williams - neocities page of geoscientist in training, I'm just saving the page here if some new maps will show up
Portolanero - site about underresearched maps called 'portolans' from medieval times that were more accurate tham Ptolemy's maps rediscovered much later.
My games on PurposeGames - I've made some simple geography games about less known cities in the world, check them out, or make better games by yourself! - how many cities in the world do you remember? - fun site with various quizes including very specific place finding games on google maps, unfortunately available for free only at the first 3 days of the month
Fictional States/Cities
NationStates - create your nation and choose your laws on issues, after a while most people either get bored or tend to engage in the life of the region in which your nation is participating, mostly on discord. That's the place where my idea of Volican States was born
Not-EcoPaw's page - impressive real and fictional transit maps made by a fellow mapmaker from discord RPs and public transit madlad: Not-EcoPaw!
OpenGeofiction - that's the closest thing that exists to my vision of Lankarta web app
Achia Geofiction - website of a mapmaker that I found on Youtube channel, collection of hand-drawn fictional maps of metropolitan areas and more. It showed me that you can always find someone on the internet with the same kind of hobby, even the rarest ones!
StadtKreation - one of the best ficitonal city plans that I've seen - page with some fun software ideas, I don't even remember how I got there, probably thanks to Neocities, but I love the idea of 'Strofara' and if you don't know what it is, and you like discovering non-english memes like I do, check that out!
TG Music - neocities page with tons of projects related to guitars, games and arduino!
Creepingnet's World - content rich and nicely animated website about computers and guitars with a ton of detailed articles
Dare Obasanjo's weblog - some old blog with a ton of articles about technology and stuff, the link is here lest I lost it
Internet Based Ghosts - some website with niche music that I don't want to mislay in bookmarks
Justas Juozaitis Instagram and Contribee - bike traveler from Lithuania that crossed entire Europe so many times that decided to try both Americas! Met the guy on my much shorter trip to Lithuania, inspired me to travel more!
Bocstyle - the hairdresser, color specialist and mullet owner, cool guy from my hometown!
McMansion Hell - sarcastic website about obnoxiously expensive condos and palaces with funny descriptions
Barry's Border Points - travel blog about reaching various border crossings and tripoints
Buttons with links are the traditional way to link to other personal sites, the buttons below are just scraped from pages that I found interesting. I'll add more soon, as in February I found a lot of nice sites participating in PetraPixel's Indie Web Contest!
My Buttons!
Feel free to grab one of my buttons and put it on your website and I would love to add your button here too! I'll figure out how to make downloading buttons as smooth as possible, but before I do, please don't hotlink them right now.
Webrings are fun! If I ever find websites that also do fictional maps or are geography related, maybe I could make my own 🤔