
Why are you not mobile-friendly - untapped nostalgia of mobile websites

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Wondering around indie websites, it's easy to find warnings and popular buttons advising that this website is not mobile-friendly, best viewed on desktop, or even it's tailored for screens with specific dimensions in pixels. I usually browse indie web on desktop so I don't mind, but sometimes when the site have some particularly interesting stuff, I'm going back to it on my phone on the go (and almost always use Firefox on Android). The best sites are fully readable on phone, perfectly scrollable and navigating between pages is super smooth. Sites that doesn't have CSS rules for various screen sizes needs to be navigated vertically and horizontally which isn't all that bad if the layout tells its own story, like when images float around the text or content boxes are carefully crafted with fun gimmicks and such, that are not possible/looks lame on vertical screens.

There are a few reasons why many webmasters don't want to bother with mobile view of their sites which I think are closely intertwined.

CSS is confusing and hard to learn properly

It's kinda baffling how staple navigation elements for touchscreens like hamburger menus are not packages as some default option in plain html/css.

Designs for mobile screens are boring

...and have less variety which the indie web is all about. You can't have fun background on the sides of the content grid when the margin is 5 pixels. Also smartphones are designed to be convenient so people don't wish to be surprised by some unorthodox way of navigating the site. Oh, and hover effects just don't work at all or your finger just hides it so another cool feature is lost.

Majority of webmasters/webmistresses are lazy

...myself included. Also many of us have a lot going on in the real life so the complicated at times set up of a personal website isn't a priority.

Nostalgia effect applies only to desktop websites

...yet, that's the part of the story I want to expand. I have visited a ton of sites on neocities with desktop only designs, but not a single one that was specifically design for mobile screens. It make sense that mobile apps don't evoke nostalgia, but rather fatigue and annoyance as nowadays they are constantly present in our lives and we basically have to use them to function in modern society. It seems however like not that many people feels any kind of nostalgia to the previous generations of 'mobile apps' like Java games and websites displayed on ridiculously tiny screens. And it's a bit weird, they were kinda cute!

During the blissful times of the year 2013, when smartphones were not nearly that ubiquitous, I still used my beloved brickphone Sony Ericsson C510. This phone was a significant technological leap for me, before that I used a flip phone Sagem MYC5-2, preety fun device with cool monochrome display on the back of the screen and multicolor blinking diode. Unfortunately it had no bluetooth, no memory card slot and only 16MBs of storage. C510 in comparison was a killer device, now I could upload directly from my computer via USB as much songs, wallpapers, games and whatnots as I wanted to inside spacious 1GB M2 card. The mobile internet however was still not a thing I could easily access, it was slow, expensive (any mobile data usage still felt scary) and the phone didn't have Wi-Fi on board. Regardless, the phone was super enjoyable to tinker even without the internet, soon I started to explore what kind of stuff I can upload and use on it, like .jar files with primitive apps or games like Worms, Asphalt or some 2D version of GTA, text files with cheat sheets and then I realize since it feature a basic internet browser, I can made my own html file and decorate it with some css too!

So in the spirit of bringing up nostalgia and to show off my unusual and unimpressive ability to make primitive websites on brickphones I dug up my cheat sheet with lists of cities ranked by the global significance. Back then I was so mesmerized that's possible and if I were not a perpetual sluggard, I might even add some JavaScript to it and make some kind of true app! In My Ideas page you can see what was my dream app at that time, but that would require the knowledge of Java without the 'script' part which was (and still kinda is) a rocket science for me.

Maybe some other nerds out there had made htmls for phones that were manufactured about 10 to 15(!) years ago and I'm looking forward to see how many will make those silly websites a new nostalgia trend :D

Link to the silly experience of browsing my html files on Sony Ericsson C510

In case you wonder, the title of the website is Bandar which means 'harbour' in Indonesian and Persian ^^

I miss my desk


I'm writing this tiny rambling with my laptop on my stomach, as I have a moment to sleep while my kiddo is sleeping. That's not the most convenient way of doing things, but I don't have much choice right now, unless I'm willing to move out a bunch of stuff from a living room table and maybe wake up my baby in the process. And even if, it's still not that convenient. Yeah, I'm lazy, but that's just a short moment when I actually can rest a bit.

For the most of my life I had a proper desk to do homework, then play on my laptop and lately do my college stuff, paperwork, a 3rd cup of coffee that day, all of that early adult things. Nowadays I don't have room for that, as just like many of your parents, I have just a bed, wardrobes and stacks of important baby items all over the place. I just wanted to say I really miss those hours and hours of sitting next to that one place that was always mine and empty enough to comfortably put a computer, a second screen (oh my goodness, the moment you buy one, there's no going back to just one tiny screen), notebooks and any other papers relevant to stuff that I need or want to do.

The second thing I kinda miss is how back in the day it was only possible to do certain computer work at the proper desktop. Nowadays the ability to write and edit documents, code stuff and even modify some images or other projects means that not only you can do it, you sometimes have to do it which adds up a pressure outside the place at home that belongs to.

So if you have a desk, cherish it, you may not have a place for it some day, or you got to work really hard to have for your own. For all the deskless people in the world that only use phones and laptops on the laps, I'm with you, wish you all the convenience that you dream off. And if you have one as an adult (and it's not solely the desk at your workplace), lucky you!

The Enchanted Pencil at home - AI generators

screenshot of the polish animated show 'Enchanted Pencil' showing the boy with a pencil, a dog and a drawing of the wolf

Everyone had at least once a period of constant thought loop, a really hot and relevant topic, which is so exhausting that your brain just can't stop repeating a bunch of strong and obvious hot takes to convince itself that you are sooo smart. I have such thought all the time, both about current private stuff and global internet topics. AI is the current one, I'm munching it for a past month, watching all the youtube videos about each and every way that corporations will screw us with the AI tools, flood us with AI slop, lie to us with AI content. Just AI, AI and AI everywhere, it never ends. I'm reading more and more strong statements that whole AI fad must stop and any case of using it is wrong. Now I'm blaming myself for all the environmental damage and valuable data I provided for free for evil big tech lords when I generated a bunch of faces of fake politicians of my worldbuilding political project on some random free website in 2021.

The Enchanted Pencil is a cute little cartoon made in Poland in the 60's, that I've never watched, but was so influencial that I somehow always knew the premise of it, and I bet all the aging folks that used to watch the only one channel on TV instead of an iPad, knows what the enchanted pencil do. The pencil was a magic tool that materialized all the things drawn with it, either a marvelous hack that could solve almost all the problems of humankind, or a cool party trick during some fun adventures in the woods. Check out that silly cartoon if you want, it doesn't even have any dialogs, it's a truely universal fairytale from Polish capital of film of Łódź.

60 years later, we have "enchanted pencil" but the lame ones. Instead of drawing objects with the pencil on any sheet of paper and magically peel off fully materialized and working object, we can only use expensive and complicated 3D printers to 'create' material obejcts. That's still pretty cool but the most accessible 'pencil' is just a chatbot that can yield a somewhat working code that needs to be rewritten anyway, or the uninspired and uncanny piece of "content" that is just a burp of a machine that ate billions of actual human art work.

Magic tools of the future are awesome, but in this sad real world everything comes with the price. I don't know whether it was ever mentioned how that magic pencil was made, but I'm guessing it wasn't the story of cutting down all the remaining ancient forest of Białowieża National Park and killing all the wisents just to forge that one special wand that can be applied everywhere. Another reason why the pencil did better in the cartoon is that it actually encouraged the user to be creative, the boy had to draw by hand stuff that he want, if he did it poorly, he won't get what he wants. Prompt engineering is not creativity, it's just guessing what will make the computer give something a little bit more usable.

What I'm getting at with those disjointed paragraphs? In short: I'm consuming a lot of media and it exhaust my ability to focus on creating stuff myself. Still, I want to make stuff anyway so when the time and attention span is limited, cheating a bit with AI seems enticing. However, a very clever and totally relevant cartoon from the 60's shows that the true magic actually comes from the visualizing the desired thing by yourself.

I'll finish that text tomorrow I hope...

Misery of global politics, abundance of fun local cultures: part 2


I'm continuing the previous unfinished article, I wanted to write all of this at once in my first attempt, but I got lazy, unfocused and just sad. At this very moment I'm actually a bit more hopeful (not for long for sure) and I'm not talking about all the crazy stuff that is happening around a certain Luigi fella, up in the USA. The only reason why I feel a bit better right now is because I got a random recommendation of a contemporary jazzy arabic song that now I've got on the loop. Stuff like this solidifies my belief that there is an entire universe of nice things coming from cultures all around the world.

And that's supposed to be the theme of the previous article with that weird title about misery and fun. The globalization means that we hear a ton of worrying stuff from all around the world, but at the same time we can easily find some nice snippets of seemingly foreign cultures that we can enjoy. I know that if you like anime and manga (and you're not from Japan) it technically counts as the appreciation of foreign stuff, but I wish you all make an experiment, pick some random country that doesn't speak English and that it's not yours (or actually yours if you neglect what comes out locally, it can be surprising if you dig a bit deeper), and try to find at least one nice song, fun fact, or an unexpected meme (German memes are showing up in my instagram feed every time I scroll at least 10 minutes, I verstehen every tenth word). Try it, it's nice! Brought to you by Kazdoura - artist from Syria, recording from Canada, that I stumbled upon just today.

Neocities are not cities, they are allotment gardens🌼

drawing of a rural house next to a river and crossroad, large city is visible in the distance

That image up there is my very old pencil drawing of a quaint little house, it would be a good enough illustration to the topic, if I bother to color it. Maybe I'll do it someday or just replace it.

In December I have a bit more time to wonder around the Internet, so I have opportunity to check out what other websites on Neocities are all about, and it's really fun experience. There is so much creativity going on on so many websites, some of them have super funky graphics, or impressive layouts, often inspired by desktop environments and once in a while I'm finding blogs that are so full of quality articles and at the same time don't have that corporate, polished feel, but rather friendly and funky style.

One of a cool blog like that is Wiggle Monster by Wii Chicken and it's stunning how many post they've written, how the flow of the writing is natural and how alive that website looks. On of their recent article link's here was about the milestone of 200 000 hits on website... and trolls that comes with it.

Few days ago before that I've visited some funky pink website with the entire custom pink desktop layout with the chat hidden in one of the windows, not sure, I'll link if I find it again. And scrolling up the messages right after I wrote some nice stuff, and next to other usual encouraging comments, a bunch of gibberish appeared with texts like "Trump won yeah" or just some spam words.

This and n-words in Wii Chicken's guestbook got me thinking about what makes people spam like this. And I think it seems that the websites that are virtually invisible outside of Neocities sphere will never experience that as the people that want to run their little plot of cyberland are not interested in spamming and trolling (at least I've never seen that, maybe I'm too new here). The entry barrier of bothering with html to be seen by anyone quickly discourage people that just want a burst of attention and rage. The social media are almost perfectly designed for that, the potential audience is huge and the algorithms look favourably at posts that can instantly engage viewer. The explicit n-words might not get a pass by word filters, but anything close might do. Inside Neocities sites the webmasters can do whatever they want and just delete spam posts in their chats, and within neocities social activity tab you won't get any large traction unless you've made an excellent website with tons of followers, which take time and effort.

In a way Neocities are not cities where the traffic is large and everything can get very impactful, the websites are usually like that image from above: a tiny house with a garden, often with no mass appeal to draw crowds, stands just out of nostalgia and are located far away from city drama. Who willingly drive so far away to make a graffiti with the n-word on a greenhouse or shout some nonsense around the house when almost no one hears them.

Those two examples of spam on neocities sites are probably caused by folks from some city, the house in the village became so visible on the google maps, and had so many visitors that some idiot finally showed up and tested the patience of the webmaster. Maybe in a way, that's the compliment to the owner, but I bet it will get annoying very quickly if the spam keeps flowing up, but that's exactly why we're here. To be far away enough that few people will bother.

So don't worry about some random city folks dear webmasters, if anybody spray some bullshit on your driveway, just hose it down. And take care of your garden, weeds will grow somewhere eventually if the soil is good 🌼

I don't use AI to make my maps (yet)

map generated by Bing AI

This 'map' was generated by free Bing AI Image Generator, the prompt was: roadmap of a rural county with the city in the center from the atlas of great britain, 90's style. I got to say that the colors and style are quite compelling, but the structure of those cities are all over the place, especially visible in how nonsensical bridges are placed. Not to mention, other 3 generated images are not even flat maps, just isometric images. The results clearly shows that there are not that many data (vide artistic images of maps on the internet) to teach consumer-grade AI how to draw maps. That's the proof that all my 'art' is mine. I can't draw such colorful images but AI can't make sensible road network. And even if, it's better in a long run to learn how to make nice illustrations or at least on stock stuff made by artists, than rely on AI slop.

The point I want to make here however is that AI could help me in some way. Not even heavily advertized AI, just a good ol' procedural generating algorithms. Someday I would like to have a generator that is able to generate customizable and sensible height map and then based on it, generate again the easiest path network passable by humans and livestock, dotted with settlements in the most advantagous places. With that pre-generated map I could create some nice cities and countries truly based on the context of nature, that is, completely random, but following the physic's laws land unchangable and given by the singularity more almighty than any mortal being... I mean where was I, sometimes it's just easier when there is a context in which a new city is planned, drawing on the desert is not that convincing.

What a jumbled mess of a text, it's 4AM.

New Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

museum of modern art in warsaw trailer park boys meme

This museum opened on 25 October 2024, was built above metro line which balooned the cost of construction to 163 million euros. In person it looks like the construction crew removed hiding fences and left their barracks grouped together in a shape of a giant container with holes in it. Yes, this building really exist, without the sepia effect, it's all white. Make a guess what this meme is referencing 🇨🇦🥃👓🏁.

Too much open tabs


Every time I have a bit more time to sit on my laptop, I have to open at least 30 new tabs, for whatever reason. This includes 10 youtube videos, 10 coding explanations and 10 or more personal neocities/nekoweb/independent websites and webrings. I can't focus on anything and my baby daughter just accelerates my confusion as she's roaming like a drunked rabbit - phrase used often by my in-laws family.

Anyway, I have some more time, I have a constant conversation about various topics in my head, trying to be tapped out on keyboard, but that little vortex next to me can't let that happen, but even without her I could never just do a one thing at a time. I'm keeping up the pace.

Misery of global politics, abundance of fun local cultures: part 1


I've spent unhealthy amount of my limited free time on following left-leaning news about this very recent elections in the US. I regularly watch youtube for content about various controversies and politics of USA and for about 3 months I did it daily. I was flabbergasted to no end why people like Donald Trump and want him one more time to say all those weird stuff all the day, for four more years. It was so exhausted but I couldn't look away. Even writing about this topic is exhausting as everything was said a million times, but nothing changes.

To be continued, sad part one and fun part two will be expanded... maybe not in this year but I always remember (edited 10-12-2024)

My bragging about geography knowledge


That's my first poorly written article here, gotta step up my writing game and excercise!

There are about 200 countries in the world. That's the most accurate number possible as any exact number depends on political point of view. Regardless, I remember every single one of them by the name, capital city, location (mostly, I still mess up Oceania and small Caribbean islands sometimes) and at least one trivia, so the country name is not just an empty word to memorize.

I think that in order to somewhat understand what's going on in the world, this knowledge is as essential in a way the knowledge about all the bones in human body is important for medical workers. The number of countries and bones are kinda the same too! You can live without that knowledge your whole life (like I have no clue about anathomy) but if you want to claim that you are well informed, you gotta learn it, and more importantly, understand the place and role of each bone, or country for that matter.

I used to think that memorizing all the countries was an impressive on it's own, but now I know that most people just never bother and the knowledge is not that useful. You don't make more money knowing that as an adult sadly. It also doesn't make your opinions about anything politics related more valid, it just adds some context that politically vocal people usually don't have. That's a bummer, but we all gotta stay humble as there is always someone that knows more or better.

map of answers where is Iran according to Americans

The points on that map are kinda funny, but the fact that people asked "should Iran be nuked?" agree more often when they can't place Iran on the map is terrifying.

map of cities in the Middle East that I remember by name

The dots are all the cities in Magreb and the Middle East (and Bulgarian coast because why not) that I can name in the geography quiz at Tataouine, Nabeul and Djerba doesn't work in Tunisia for some reason.

I lost my point a bit but in my humble opinion, when people know more about any country, at least some culture or other fun stuff, the less likely will let politicians warmongering. And I don't like revolutional islamic leaders of Iran, as well as the military industrial complex of USA, I like both countries, even though they make terrible political decisions, either their people or governments itself.

Nothing to see here


Everything will be changed on this page, go check out all the other ones as they have plenty of content.