New Maps from 2025!

This page is in heavy construction, the first image was added just yesterday, be patient!

First entry on this page: 1st February 2025
I'm editing this completely distracted on mobile, don't worry, it'll look normal soon lol

City plan of a fictional town Łaski-Bezowieck that is made of two districts divided in half by a railway Map (fictional)

The twin city of Łaski-Bezowieck
That's my first fictional hand drawn map in 2025, which I didn't do in years. I was very close to finishing it completely but... it got destroyed by my sweet little vortex in diaper, so I gave up eventually. Still, I'm very pleased that my creativity is still there and can overcome lack of focus and all the obstacles including the fact that in the avalanche of kid toys and stuff I lost my automatic pencil with 0.5 mm slim graphite that would make that map a 100 times better.

This urban layout is directly inspired by various cities in the suburbs of large Polish cities that were built on the foundation of a major railway corridor, especially next to Warsaw and Łódź. The city is made of two parts separated by a railway.

The west side is Łaski - residential district with many apartment blocks and semi-detached houses, as well as the major hospital, a two elementary schools, a high school, a town hall and the largest shopping center. On the far west the highway is visible with the distribution center next to the diamond interchange.

The east side is called Bezowieck is older part with many industrial plants along the railway. On the southern side there is a more modern sport and cultural center with a large park. On this side there are a lot of rail branches including the longest one that goes to the jail and military camp next to the remains of the fortress.

The major unnamed river flows from the east to the west along the southern edge of both districts. Single houses are scattered around the core of the city.

The estimated population of the urban area is about 13 thousand people.