Updates of Lankarta Project website

Tiny updates, first in this spring


I removed the background with the snowflakes, it's way to warm now! No replacement sadly, but I need to figure out how to overhaul the entire website anyway, but the time is short. I've added one opinion about the country that I expected: Romania, and the second one that I included thanks to the unexpected conversation in the queue: Zimbabwe!

Everything is just a stub here, but I'm so keen on revamping this whole thing eh

New article and fun gimmick - untapped nostalgia and my first tiny mobile website


It took me 3 days to finally write some good wall of text, that I was thinking for a long time: Why are you not mobile-friendly - untapped nostalgia of mobile websites. I'm especially fond of this tiny website that I embedded into the image of a model of my old Sony Ericsson phone, the code is very primitive, but works!

Some more stuff is coming, but I got a bit too much ideas and not that fast brain to execute them in words, stay tuned :)

Many stuff are started, almost nothing is completed


A few days age I made a somewhat decent template of window for my opinions about countries that are on the partially partially published My Opinions page. I spent too much time on this tiny feature that shows and hides opinions about flags which is quite nice, but needs a bit more styling, it works, I like it, but the button looks too default. I badly want to finish all those hot takes on countries like Mauritania, Nauru and, the next in queue Romania, chosen thanks to the awesome entry in my guestbook from Dim14! Thanks, lubesc Romania! I know a lot of stuff about Romania so it'll be a longer and will take a while to write it down.

All in all, I only had time to write just a bunch of starter texts that I wish to complete in some reasonable time, if I find any.

Brand new fictional hand drawn map dropped


After many years of 'artistic hiatus' I finally sketched some fully hand drawn fictional map that is now proudly diplayed on a new page for New Maps from 2025! It's definitely not the prettiest image on this site and the physical drawing was badly damaged by my little daughter, but still, it's nice to upload something brand new.

Much more stuff is in preparation, some pages are technically available, it just have to be proprley finished and due to my total incompetence in JavaScript I can't install a nice way to link them all. I got to push it eventually!

Petra's Indie Web Contest is on and I wish all participants good luck (saw a couple of your sites and you guys are truly amazing) and all if your site is not on the contest, check them out and vote!

Tidying up before I go


During the weekend I'm still able to add some words and markups here and there, but the next week is going to be intense so the Lankarta website progress is sluggish. I revamped Links a bit, wrote some words, wrote some words about my idea for an idea how to write words, added disclaimer that there is no strobing pictures except some external buttons and generally that's it. I wish to upgrade the site enough to be worthy of participating in Petra's Indie Web Contest!, but I can't complete my pages to be satisfied with the results, ehh it is what it is.

New (unpolished) article and crippling (untreatable) laziness


The new article dropped, it's about AI (ugh not again, but I need to collect my thoughts about the topic) with The Enchanted Pencil as the example, but the conclusion is a bit unclear, a paragraph or two is needed so the article will make sense. I also created some blank htmls and templates for my new major subpage World Review that will have at least 5 new maps and about a metric ton of country reviews, if I ever manage to write'em all. My first entry is Luxembourg (written on a horribly formatted table), so if you live there and especially if you speak Luxembourgish, make your country visible on my guestbook! :D

Apart from that, I finally added the google font meta link so the font is visible as I intended to months ago and I standardized the footer on all pages (still copy/pasted manually, like an amateur). I have a lot of stuff going on so I can't just focus and make a proper new page which is super frustrating. I gotta keep working.

Tiny reminder that I did nothing really


Some javascript snippets, some css gradient on the footer, uploaded vanilla static ultra package to neocities, still can't figure out how to fix the loading theme thing, some new buttons, some fixes here and there, so in other words: why do I bother writing this, better come back with something interesting lol.

Bus and maps


Some more leftover drawings including a bus, a unsuccessful attempt to draw bird's eye view of a battle in XIX century, two tiny maps and tiny vehicle doodle pack. Some tiny text snippets here and there but nothing substantial, as usual.

My first translated article!


I didn't mentioned it previously, but a week ago I translated into Polish a short article about the continents on Þe Satyrs’ Foreſt’t Satyrwoud website! I did it just for fun to excercise my language skills like choosing words that fit the context, it's fun sometimes to dust off school skills. I guess it's my first ever translation that is published on someones blog, I translated some stuff for other people before, but usually it was for educational/college purposes. If you know language other than English and want to contribute, check it out!

I added my ancient drawing of some red bridge and silly city skyline, I gave up wrapping those images into fancy sliders, at least for now... 🖥️

Other than that, apart from writing some texts offline, I did nothing on the internet lately, just busy times.

Business as usual


It seems the 2025 will be yet another year of just work and cleaning up the mess from the previous year, yay ugh.

I changed the background, the very low effort snowflakes pattern looks the best on desktop. I've made some ugly map of Europe with links inside it to test how SVGs basic features work here as the map will be the basis of World Review page. I also wrote some new paragraphs here and there, but really nothing is getting uploaded, I do stuff off-line most of the time.

I love the fact that this new webring widget finally works and shows the flag, thank you beau!

I will eventually add a separate window with update logs that are just one liners, writing those elaborate articles is fun and informative for me, but no one cares that much lol

I'm trying to fully understand the code of features like image comparison slider and I downloaded Static Ultra by Scott2 kit to test out whether I am able to use it as the baseline to this entire Lankarta website. It seems promising, but I can't focus on programming at all and the fact that the index.html didn't load the default theme the first time I launched it with VSCode live server, distracts me even more. Literally everywhere I am there is so much work to be done. Maybe at least this little place on the Internet will be finished enough to the 1st February, the date is completely unspecific 📅

The New Year


Not that many thing have been done during the holidays, except maybe a new (very old actually) idea about my old Windows 95 computer with some useless images made with classic MS Paint. Nothing note worthy. I also made some offline bullet points and drafts with what I want to do, so I got just plans for the 2025 and nothing else.

One of my biggest plan regarding this website is to move and expand stuff from the Shrines about my hometown Zamość, as well as the writings about my trips or opinions about countries to the entirely new page, initially named World Review, divided into subpages: Homeland - all stuff about Poland, Visited - about places that I've been personally, Wishlist - fully upgraded section 'World Tour' that is currently just a bunch of flags in About&Guestbook site and Opinions - ramblings about places that I know only from the third person experiences, the Internet and some other medias.

All the other shrines unrelated to the travelling and geography will stay in shrines and finally, eventually, probably be completed. I don't like all those 'under construction' announcments, but I write them to motivate myself to do the actuall stuff to not write them in the future, if that make sense.

Frankly the 2024 drained me from all the energy so I don't know how long it will take to make the 2025 more fruitful, but I hope you all will have a much better new year!

Not Just Maps Are Coming!


So: Right now at every free moment I'm cramming as much words and markups into this website, as I possible can think of, before I have to go back to work. And frankly I have a good time in here, you guys are awesome, thanks for messages on e-mail and my guestbook, that's really makes my days!

What actually will come up on this site? Writing stuff for shrines and articles goes very easy, adding old maps and drawings (yes, my new (un)hidden page is Not Just Maps, just a few images so far) take a couple minutes and I need to do it on the computer to find and prepare stuff, but those are all bread and butter tasks so it goes smoothly.

However, improving the technical side of this website goes in no sensible direction, I want to make that layout more scalable (easy adding new pages to the navbar) and neat (some cool themes switcher, accesibility toggles, ideas that could make that god awful blue bar feel like an useful control hub), that goes nowhere, but I'm trying my best. 😴

On the sidenote, completely new maps are cooking, it's takes a while. You can see my brand new real world map in Zamość shrine! That's just an image, no interactivity, so far.

New hidden pages and I made my buttons!


My brand new buttons are available at Links subpage in two versions: animated gif and static png! I gotta check how to make them easy to download without some neocities restrictions regarding hotlinking, I'm still poor non-supporter of the host so yeah, please do not hotlink I guess.

In the meantime I made some testing/blank pages for new content, so if I keep the pace, all of that will be nicely organized and available right before the new year 🎉🎇

Christmas is coming :lastchristmasisplaying:


Dabbling with Christmas themes and such, I have no clue what I'm doing, let's see how much people will notice that lmao. Lights png was for free and I added glowing effect with Gimp, but I see it's too dim and there is some dirt on bulbs lol.

Also 6 new maps dropped, 2 small maps were removed and combined into one map to save space and have some fun with Inkscape.

Constant unfocused updates


I'm just adding links, buttons and correcting typos once in a while, all day, from my phone. If only I could do something more substantial. Also, I dropped a bunch of new maps that are more than 14 years old, nice.

Landing page trimmed and illustrated


I moved personal stuff to the page About&Guestbook, the guestbook is inside the iframes now and I added that slider with my maps that acts as direct links to them at the top of the index page. I hope it'll make the thumbnail of my site a bit more colorful. Not that many content added tho, I do more of a mindless html polishing than creating, although it's quite relaxing and unchallenging.

The only thing that I added to the page about the actual Lankarta Project is the paragraph about feature of the app that will allow to create map timelines, it's not even well phrased but it's something at least.

Plans for 2025 and I need a button


I was on a spree on activity page on Neocities to find some actively updated, nicely decorated and maybe even thematically similar websites to mine. I got some more buttons that I put here and response on guestbook of Introverted Loser website, thank you! This reminds me that I got to make my own button, perhaps animated with some floating map or globe maybe, so it'll fit better on button walls of anybody that would like to link to my silly site.

I also added some placeholders for new content that I wish I will make in 2025. So many ideas, but time flies too fast.

Pages are getting split


New page Shrines is dedicated solely to my shrines that were previously on Links and Shrines page. Each shrine will get its own unique style, at least when I find some time. I've moved sections about music, movies and whatnot to the index page, although all the personal stuff will eventually go to 'Personal' or 'About Webmaster' subpage.

The bad news is there is not that much more content, my second article is not finished, shrines are not finished and that navbar is even more not finished.

First article


My first article in 'Articles' page, nothing special, just some quick thought about geography knowledge. I also wrote a hefty paragraphs in 'Links and Shrines' page, specifically about Zamość and SimCity 4. Maybe if I add more shrines, I might move each of those to separate pages. The 'Articles' page still needs major template revamp, especially if I want to write more.

I think my website doesn't have any visitors (except me probably) because my front page is not colorful, that's my style actually but for the sake of making the miniature more enticing I'll add a small horizontal slider with my maps 200px height just below the 'Hi There' window. I'm also trying to join some webrings too.

Articles coming soon


The subsite called previously 'Project Updates' and 'Updates', now it's going to be 'Articles' as updates was moved here on the landing page inside the iframe. Articles will be actual articles about random stuff that I found interesting or decide to expand a bit. No more page dedicated solely on the topic of "oh I just moved some button a pixel or two", even tho I'm just exaggerating.

Two things to add: actually working button that moves back page to the top and dark/light color theme switcher.

A bulk of new subpages


I keep my pace of adding new stuff on that silly site, including addition of at least 20 new maps and I finally divided the longest page 'My Maps' into more organized subpages. The technical structure of the site is not great as the navbar is too primitive to display that many subsites elegantly. I'm also thinking about adding the button that moves the viewer back to the top of the page on mobile screens as the sites with maps tend to be long.
The Lankarta project itself is not even close to start sadly.

More and more minor upgrades on Lankarta Project page


Basically I'm here more often than usually, organizing the lists and descriptions. Within a week I added a bunch of new maps and one screenshot of another idea for an app. Yet still, everything is tilted and badly adjusted when it comes to styling. Even though all the other major pages of this site gain a lot of fairly structured content, this page desperately needs dedicated stylesheet and much more updates and action.

New Logo (it's bad tho)

Lankarta New Logo

How to make it not skewed, graphic design without the mouse is wrong, without designing skills even worse. It's so bad that I still haven't decide to place it as the favicon.